a taste of love pt 2

He was a heartbeat that gave my very being life
Filling me with immense joy, he makes writing things almost impossible.
I thought when I fell in love words would fall from my pen,
But it turns out he has left me speechless,
completely in awe of his pure soul.
It scared me how fast I was falling,
and I hated the fact that he was leaving.


Be love

I love because I am loved.
I’m loved more than words could ever tell and more than I can understand.
That’s why I choose to be love,
because darkness needs light,
and tears need laughter.
I love because I know how it feels to feel unworthy.
I love because Love is all I truly have
and Love is all you truly need.

You and I and some rockin lullaby

let’s leave the world behind
forget about our tragedies
forget about our loses
let’s leave the world behind
just me and you
and a drink for two
lets leave the world behind
with the wind carrying our hair
with the waves pulling us closer together
lets leave the world behind
forget about tomorrow
forget about our yesterdays
lets leave the world behind
because right now is all we have
and all we ever will have

A little deeper

I believe that there is beauty in this world that is far deeper than our eyes alone will ever be able to perceive.

I believe that, like the ocean, there is so much more colour, so many unseen characters, and so much depth to each and every person that you meet.

The ocean has the most beautiful pearls, just like each and every one of us have an incredible amount of love lurking within us.
You were created so magnificently, and so was every single person that surrounds you.

We each have beauty within us that is far more beautiful than any ocean pearls, just dig a little deeper, I promise you will find it.

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Something beautiful.

You are the instrumental beginning to my favourite song.
You are the sunsets reflection on the clear ocean.
You are the colour on the horizon just before daylight hits.
You are the ocean waves that I can never seem to follow.
You are the rising sun that I can’t seem to get my eyes off.
I wanted to create something beautiful, so I wrote about you.


Hope beyond the dark.

So, you could kill yourself
You could live a life that is so audacious that even the most careless of people would envy you.
You could be fearless, and take an indomitable leap into the unknown without a care of how your movement may conclude.
You could be the light, and guide those who lurk within darkness into the most beautiful form of happiness they could possibly experience.
You could live so tremendously that you leave a legacy.
You could live courageously in the moment, purely because tomorrow is not guaranteed, nor is the next hour.
So, why not be so magnificent that you make the depravity of planet earth itself tremble with hope.
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Finding hope.

I know it’s dark right now, and not even the smallest ray of sunshine has the ability to seep through the dark clouds that have formed above you.

But I promise you, some day soon a ray of light will shine through those clouds, engulfing your very being with happiness.

Like the first poppy that bloomed in the devastated battlefields of the first world war, something beautiful will come out of this disaster, and that ‘beautiful’ is a stronger you10816170_10152966685857932_1043935240_n