Self love.

If you were to walk up to yourself on the street blindfolded, making you incapable of seeing your height, the colour of your hair, the way your eyebrows wince when you speak, or the shape of your eyebrows. And if you were to hold a conversation with yourself, would you think you were beautiful? You, stripped down to your rawest form of beauty. Would you hear the words that you speak, and consider yourself a beautiful person? The books you read, the thoughts you think, the love that is within you does not appear on your skin. Your looks do not deserve to have the ability to determine your beauty. Next time, when you question your beauty, ask yourself the following questions; If the whole world were blind, would I still be beautiful? If the whole world were blind, would I be even more beautiful than you ever thought I could be?


Finding beauty

I want you to know your worth. Understand that you are beautiful. You’re not beautiful for something as shallow as your looks, but you are beautiful for your ability to make me smile. You are beautiful for the way you give, without ever expecting anything in return. You are beautiful for the way you love, for the way you think, for the way you are. But most of all, you are beautiful because you are you, your mere presence enlightens darkness. You are every sunset and every sunrise combined into one. Not every person takes their time to appreciate your beauty, but the ones who do know that you are beautiful beyond measure. I hope that some days you take some time out to appreciate all that you are.


I want to live simply.

I want to live simply, in a home that has just enough rooms for each of my children. In a house that smells like home, and has a dirty muffin tray next to the sink.

I want to live simply, I want not to worry about missing a TV show at 6pm at night. Instead, to worry about not waking up on time to watch the sunrise, because we stayed up all night following white lines on the road and gazing at the stars.

I want to love simply, with you being the superhero and I, I will be your super rad side kick.


Life note.

To love, to be loved. To never forget the grace that you endlessly receive, and to always remember to bless others abundantly and never expect anything in return. To be thankful for all that you have obtained in life, and to work for all that you haven’t. To know your worth, regardless of being unnoticed, and to let others understand theirs. To enjoy the little things, and to know that you are infinity blessed, because He will always be there for you.


Do you boo.

I want you to be you, regardless of who or what is surrounding you. Stay true to what you believe in, love the music you love to listen to, read the books you enjoy reading, or tell the jokes only you find funny. Because you are the only person who will be with you 24/7, and you are the only person who completely and utterly understands you.
